
Showing posts from March, 2017


Hi everyone, okay today i wanna share with you guys how to get self confident. Normally, people's confident level very low when they need to faced with new experience but it's very normal actually because all human have feeling fear, nervous and etc with new experience. It's very normal actually so need to worries about it. So, today i will share with you guys how to get self confident in our life. First of first you need to be brave to faced all the challenge. Sometimes, every each challenge that we faced will increase our confident and we need to waste our embarrassment too.  Besides, you need to make a plenty of communication with outsiders, so your confident level have more improvement. Make sure the topic that you talk with outsider have important contents.If you want your confident level have more improvement you need to join a club of association. In that club we always talk about current issue and you must talk, no need to be shy just talk and

My little soldiers

Assalamualaikum and hi 😀 . I'm qeyoo 😋. I hope all of you are in the pink of health. Now it is viral about virus H5N1. So don’t forget to take care of health of your chicken and yourself. Today I would share my two days experience about my workplace practice. The date was 13 and 14 March 2017. The place that I was given task was Tabika Kemas 21 Ramd.  Before I went to the place, I called the teacher of the Tabika through the phone. Teacher Bibah answered the call. We talked for quite a while and I was really shocked when she asked me to take all the classes which mean I have to teach more than four subjects. Actually, in our assignment we only need to prepare for four subjects. I was also informed that there were 30 kids in the kindergarten. I spent quite a lot of money and time just to make the things needed (i.e. teaching aids) as perfect as possible to teach those kids. On that night I slept at 4.00 a.m, and woke up at 5:45 a.m. On that day, I arrived at the Tabika ri


Hye everyone!  Today I would like to share about my workplace practice. It is about my experience being a teacher. It was so fun and tough. My pupils are very good and polite, my teacher is also a sporting person. I got my workplace practice at Tabika Sri Bayu at Kg. Raja Geting for 2 days. On my firstday, I was so nervous and scared because it was my first time to do the practical. When the pupils call me ‘cikgu’ I was so proud of myself and I feel so happy. I introduce myself to them, and asked them to told me their name. that day, I teach them pedagogi and sosioemosi subject. For pedagogi subject, I teach them about butterfly life cycle. I explain to them about egg, caterpillar, cocoon, and adult butterfly. I teach them using flash-card. After that, I asked them to cut the paper that shape of butterfly to create a puppet and draw patterns on that butterfly. For the next subject, I teach them about feeling that contain happy, angry, shocking and sad by using flash-card. I asked th


Assalamualaikum and hi. My name is Qairul Atikah and my nickname is ‘Qeyoo’. I got that nickname since I was in Form 2. For my first post on this blog, I would like to share about my family. For your information, my father has 2 wives. I call my stepmother as ‘Ma’ and my mom as ‘Umi’. My Ma is the 1 st wife and she is a full-time housewife. She has 10 kids, 2 girls and 8 boys, however 2 of them  had died. My Umi is a dentist at government clinic in Kelantan and she has 5 kids, 3 girls and 2 boys. So, currently I have a total of 13 siblings . We are quite a happy family. Some people do ask me questions like ‘What? You have two moms?’  ‘Does your stepmother been nice to you?’ they whispered. You can imagine it right? Come on. This is not ‘Cinderella and her stepmother’. My Ma took care of my siblings since we were children. It was because during the earlier years my Umi was still during her master’s-level studies and she had to be away sometimes during those few years. My cur


Hi everyone, i'm back for the new story. Okay, today i'm going to share with you guys my own experience that i had been as a teacher for two days at Wardah Kindergarten in Ketereh, Kelantan. So, this is my new experience actually because i never be a teacher before but this is a good experience also because i knew how my mom felt when she need to teach their student very very terrible. So tired and it also test my patience to control the kids in the class. First day i be a teacher it little bit awkward actually because i never teach before, so i need to be friendly person to greet and meet with my pupils. When i get into the class one of my pupils was screaming to me "new teacher has coming" i'm bit shy when my pupil said like that but it make me happy because he call me a teacher. A few minutes later all the pupils has coming to the kindergarten including my supervisor of Wardah Kindergaten also come. The process of educating and learning was sta


My Roommates Assalamualaikum everyone, my name is Wan Nur Maisarah from section 5, I want to share to all of you about my experience in decorating the room for the most cleanest and prettiest room block A level 2 in “Hari Terbuka Asrama” at 2/3/2017 until 4/3/2017. My room is A2-14, my member’s name is Umi Atikah, Farah Haqilla, Fairuza Amira, Syahida, Izzah, and me. At first day, 2/3/2017, we divided into groups to do the job. Group one sweep the floor, group two clean the fans, group three clearing the cobwebs and clean the dust above the lockers and the fan switch. At night, after inspection, we await the decision of the examiner to find out which room was in the top 5 most beautiful and cleanest room in block A level 2 and we all were surprised because we do not believe that our room, A2-14 and four other rooms selected for the top 5 most beautiful and cleanest room block A level 2.           Once we know that we were selected, we further improve our room like hanging our


Hi everyone, today i'm going to share with you how i can loose my weight. This is my own exprience actually, i got a hard life before when all my friends keep bullying and teasing me because i'm fat. I don't know why they have to do like that to me before. Is it being fat is a very very very very big sin ? But is okay, now i'm loosing my weight and got my own body goals but not really body goals actually. HAHA. So, i'm going to share with you guys how i'm loosing my weight. First of first you need to set your mind you want to loose your weight. Keep forcing yourself to loose your weight. Second you need to control your food routine, all oily food, fast food, and all food can't make you fat avoid it!. After that, drink a lot of plain water. Drink a lot plain water can loose your weight, make your skin more healthier and can clean your kidney also. This is very comman thing when people keep asking you how can you loose your weight actually just keep doing