Hye everyone!  Today I would like to share about my workplace practice. It is about my experience being a teacher. It was so fun and tough. My pupils are very good and polite, my teacher is also a sporting person. I got my workplace practice at Tabika Sri Bayu at Kg. Raja Geting for 2 days.
On my firstday, I was so nervous and scared because it was my first time to do the practical. When the pupils call me ‘cikgu’ I was so proud of myself and I feel so happy. I introduce myself to them, and asked them to told me their name. that day, I teach them pedagogi and sosioemosi subject. For pedagogi subject, I teach them about butterfly life cycle. I explain to them about egg, caterpillar, cocoon, and adult butterfly. I teach them using flash-card. After that, I asked them to cut the paper that shape of butterfly to create a puppet and draw patterns on that butterfly. For the next subject, I teach them about feeling that contain happy, angry, shocking and sad by using flash-card. I asked the pupils tu draw a ‘emoji’ on a paper and show to others what face(emoji) their make.
My second day, I can’t wait to start my day as their teacher again. That day I teach about art and physical subject. For art subject, i teach them about fruit that contain apple, orange and banana. For the activity, I gave them a piece of paper to slip-torn that paper and gather it.  After that, I gave them another piece of paper that already have a orange picture. I asked them to apply the glue on that paper and patch the paper that them gather it before. For the next subject, I play a ball with them. I throw that ball toward them one by one, and asked them to catch it and don’t let that ball fall. It is my last day of practical and I was so sad and I took some picture with them to save that moments as a good memory.
That’s all from me today and until we meet again in another post. Thank you for reading.

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these are some picture that i took that day.
