My little soldiers

Assalamualaikum and hi πŸ˜€. I'm qeyoo πŸ˜‹. I hope all of you are in the pink of health.
Now it is viral about virus H5N1. So don’t forget to take care of health of your chicken and yourself. Today I would share my two days experience about my workplace practice. The date was 13 and 14 March 2017. The place that I was given task was Tabika Kemas 21 Ramd. 
Before I went to the place, I called the teacher of the Tabika through the phone. Teacher Bibah answered the call. We talked for quite a while and I was really shocked when she asked me to take all the classes which mean I have to teach more than four subjects. Actually, in our assignment we only need to prepare for four subjects. I was also informed that there were 30 kids in the kindergarten.
I spent quite a lot of money and time just to make the things needed (i.e. teaching aids) as perfect as possible to teach those kids. On that night I slept at 4.00 a.m, and woke up at 5:45 a.m. On that day, I arrived at the Tabika right on time 7:30 a.m. I went there with a Grabcar©. When we were there, she said to me that this is Tabika for soldiers’ kids πŸ˜“. Now I know why the name of the Tabika is not like another Tabika such as ‘Tabika Al Hidayah’ or  ‘Tabika Seri Aman’. When I entered the Tabika, there was a boy sitting at his seat. After I put my things in the corner, I went to the kitchen since there’s no one except that boy in the class. In the kitchen, I get to know Kak Zah, the helper in the Tabika. Then, teacher Bibah arrived and we waited for the kids at the front door. On that day, only 26 kids came to the Tabika.
Before Teacher Bibah introduce me to her students, the kids kept their eyes on me. I was thinking to myself: ‘Oh my’. I felt so nervous πŸ˜“. Just like there were butterflies in my stomach. But I kept my mouth grinning towards them. For the first subject, I taught them about ‘Things that are soft and hard’. When I ask them to touch the things in the box, they were all acting quite shy. I had to hold their hands and brought them forward. When some of the kids did so, then they whispered to other kids ‘It is so good. I saw the doll’. And guess what? After that the other kids came forward and trying to outgo each other in trying to touch the things in the box.
They turn aloud until I have to ask them to sit at their sit again. Intermission. At first they were really quiet but now they are loud. Sometimes Teacher Bibah will come and scold them. They kept calling me, kept on asking me ‘Teacher, come here’ , ‘Teacher, see this’, ‘Teacher, is it right like this?’, ‘Teacher, I don’t know how to cut this’, ‘Teacher, Adam is crying’. Oh! CRYING. I’m crying inside myself!😫  In a day it must have a kid who cries. In the morning, one of the kids- Adam is crying. He is an introvert, who is always shy, always sits at his place, and has no friends. Teacher Bibah told me that Adam is always like that, he never do his work, although he is already 6 years old. That’s why teacher Bibah doesn’t waste time with him. Pity Adam!
When it’s time for eating, kids were already in the kitchen while I’m still in the class, clearing the mess. I heard the kid asked teacher Bibah ‘Teacher, can we ask sister (me) to eat with us?’ Then Teacher Bibah said: ‘You can ask her by yourself. She is packing her things up’. I was smiling and laughed in my heart. Then Teacher Bibah asked me to eat with the kids. When I was eating with them, there were lots of questions coming from their little mouths. They told their stories even I don’t really understand it. God, I missed their stories now!😌
While waiting for their parents to come to pick their kids up, I taught them how to make elephant masks. They were really excited when I show ‘Bambam Si Gajah’ video. Before they went home, they asked me if tomorrow I would still come or not.  On the first day, the kids went home on 12 p.m.
14 March 2017: I managed to arrive early in the Tabika. Today they entered the Tabika smiling sweetly to me. With additional two kids who are absent yesterday.  On that day, I taught them four subjects. It was a tiring day. Teacher Bibah asked me to handle the class because it was my last day. In addition she and Kak Zah (the assistant) were busy in the garden. I was sweating a lot while handling the kids alone! Oh, remember Adam? On my second day, he gave positive respond! I was quite shocked when he enjoyed the activities I gave them that day πŸ˜. Not only that, he also talked to me. I’m really proud of him. They were kids and kids always like to play. At the end of the class, they kissed my hand and I gave them presents. The hardest thing to do was when I have to answer the question ‘Would you come back tomorrow?’😭.  Honestly, now I understand how my teachers and lectures felt when we were ignoring them! 

P/s : If you can read this, thank a TEACHER πŸ’“

They cut my crayon . I'm proud for their fine motor πŸ˜‚

This is Adam :)

Take care :')
