Assalamualaikum and hi. My name is Qairul Atikah and my nickname is ‘Qeyoo’. I got that nickname since I was in Form 2.
For my first post on this blog, I would like to share about my family.
For your information, my father has 2 wives. I call my stepmother as ‘Ma’ and my mom as ‘Umi’. My Ma is the 1st wife and she is a full-time housewife. She has 10 kids, 2 girls and 8 boys, however 2 of them  had died.
My Umi is a dentist at government clinic in Kelantan and she has 5 kids, 3 girls and 2 boys. So, currently I have a total of 13 siblings .
We are quite a happy family. Some people do ask me questions like ‘What? You have two moms?’  ‘Does your stepmother been nice to you?’ they whispered. You can imagine it right? Come on. This is not ‘Cinderella and her stepmother’. My Ma took care of my siblings since we were children. It was because during the earlier years my Umi was still during her master’s-level studies and she had to be away sometimes during those few years.
My current eldest brother (my Ma’s son, actually the true eldest brother had died) is already ‘30 something years’ old and has 2 sons. And my second brother (20 something) also is married and also  has 2 sons. My two sisters are also married but they still have no kids. Sometimes, I really hate when people call them as ‘stepbrother and stepsister’ and ask me ‘can you marry your stepbrother?’ Errr.. We’re siblings, one and same father, we can’t marry each other. We already learn that in Pendidikan Agama right? That’s why your parents sent you to learn, not to play.  {haha -LOL} (Although I also did play at school.. haha ).
Oh, we also have two couples of ‘twins’. My ninth brother (from Ma) and my second sister (from Umi) are both 21 years old. Then my last brother (from Ma) and I are both 19 years old. Guess what? We also receive more questions like ‘Are you twins?’  ‘How can both of you are at the same age?’ ‘Why don’t you tell us about your twin?’ That is normal right? 
My father has retired since year 2013 due to medical illness (diabetes mellitus which is quite normal among Kelantanes, right? ). Since that, my mom (Umi) is the only one who is working now. Hmm..  It feel like as if I am writing an essay to apply for MARA scholarship . My dad is quite a fierce person. That’s why he can have two wives (it’s a tip. Haha ). My siblings (from Umi) are not really close to him. We never joke with each other, never laugh together. But my siblings (from Ma) are quite brave to joke with him although he never/seldom laugh at their jokes. Yes, we’re quite jealous of their braveness.  Maybe they are quite brave now because they are older than us. Oh, my eldest sister (from Umi) is 22 years old. Anyway today is my father’s 62th birthday, 18 March. And I still have not wish him happy birthday yet because I am quite shy. Usually previously, we only wish him through sms or whatsapp.  Maybe I shall do it when I go to hostel later this evening. Hehe . 
When we were children, we frequently move from one place to another following my umi’s workplaces. I remembered, my ‘twin’ and I were once in the same Tabika Kemas. After my Umi finished the posting, we were separated and I continued my kindergarten in As-Syabab Kubang Kerian. However,  when I think back, how come I’m the only one who does not graduate from any kindergarten?!! I’m quite angry about this actually. I’m the only who had no picture wearing a kindergarten graduation’s hat, of wearing lipstick on tiny lips, and holding a roll of paper just like my other siblings did. So, now, I’m here, doing study in Diploma in Early Childhood Education as revenge or more of reincarnation (if we can it that ). I would like to open my own Kindergarten and I would take my own picture just like as if I just got or freshly graduated from the Kindergarten. HAHA (Big LOL).
Back to our initial story, I would make sure that I’d repay my Ma, Umi and my father deeds.  Praying for their health and make them proud. We would always try our best not to burden our parents, especially Ma. Ma had taken care of us including the latest were in 2013 and 2015 when my sister (2nd from my Umi) and I stayed at her house because we had to go the secondary school within her area. Even though Umi had refused to let us so not to burden Ma, but as always, my father always wins! (haha … isn’t I said so above? ). I will always remember her good deeds. Even she is not my biological mother but she is also my queen. And I love the king and the both queens in my hear

So, what is your verdict? Am I Cinderella?

That’s why I said “I’m not! :) 

This is Ma . And look my brother dare to selfie while my father is nagging. LOL 
hm , still not complete . 
my nephews :)

this Umi and my two brothers :P
