My Superwoman

Assalamualaikum and hi guys , i'm back !! did you all miss me? hehe no laa i'm just kidding. Okay, now i want to share about my mother. My mother's name Nurul Haida Bt Awang. My mother and my father was divorced since i'm kid. My mother was a businesswomen and she is a single mother of two children. First is my brother Muhammad Sufi Syawal Rizmie bin Sabri, he works as a work independently. I cant subscribe his work because it's too independent.My brother age is 21 years old,sometimes i'm quiet close with him sometimes not its depend on my mood. Besides he is the eldest brother so he such the leader in my family,all his salary will give to my mom and me.So i'm very proud got brother like him. Second is me 😍 name is Nurul Nadhirah binti Sabri and my age is 19 years old but not officially yet i was study in Kelantan and in diploma childhood education. I wish i will make my mom proud of me and i will change my family life.

Back to my topic about my mother, she quiet tough woman because she can support me and my brother since we are kids. My mom's favourite colour is red , everything that she wants to buy must be red, she doesn't mind even bag,shoe,or clothe must be red. I can saw she really love with red colour, maybe she really likes with red colour because it meaning to the strength and courage. 

Before she became a business woman, she works as a assistant supervisor of cleaner at hospital for 8 years and she stopped working there because of personal problems. After she quit her job, she try in the business world. From the small scale businesses until she can open her own eatery. Thanks to god because there is wisdom behind the pain that my mother went through. I feel so relived that my mom can handle all this pain. I hope i can be so strong like her one day

I always spend time with her. We are always keep talking about my life,my study and my future.My mom very spoting when i talk about boy friends not special boyfriend but just a friend. My mom also keep advise me about how to be strong when facing problems. I can say that my mom is my role model i wanna be like her so much. Maybe without her i probably would not be here right now. Thanks god for made my mother and thank you also because she very strong,bold,brave,patient and never give up in the face of problems.

That's all today i wanna share with you guys about lovely mother and i hope one day i will make my mom proud of me and i will make sure i can repay the kindness of my mother. I LOVE YOU MOM❤
Quote of the day “The only love that I really believe in is a mother’s love for her children.” 
