MY FROG PRINCE AND I ? (What’s this?? Combination of “The King and I” and “The Frog Prince”?)

Assalamualaikum and hi . I’m Qeyoo and I’m proud because i’m writing this post after my Subuh prayer. HAHA . Kak Ara, my roommate was shocked just now, when I said I was going to do my blog. LOL. That’s proved that I’m really diligent right ? Huihui I admit it.😈 How are all of you now? Oh, I hope all of you are fine, so that you can read my post. Haha 

Today , I’m sharing my secret. It’s about Bufonophobia. Normally, I don’t share about this because when my friends knew about it, they will keep teasing me! As a reward for them, they will see the monster of me! I realized my phobia when I was 9 or 10 years old. Since the day we moved to our new house in 2007, which is near to the bush. I clearly remember that moment. I pick up the clothes from the veranda (we hang our clothes at the veranda) and I want to fold the clothes. Yes, I’m diligent since small and I was a cute kid too. HAHAπŸ˜‹. While I was folding the clothes, a banana frog jumped and landed on my hand. CLEARY! I SWEARED! Automatically when I shook my hand, the banana frog peed on me and it was gone as fast as it came! I didn’t know where it went. At that time too, my dad came home from the mosque and I ran to the toilet. I cried and washed the banana frog’s pee. I told everyone in the house. My mom checked the basket of the clothes but there was no sign of the banana frog.  Since that day, I didn’t go near the basket anymore. I just left the clothes untouched in the basket. If not mistaken, for about one or two weeks.
Since our first incident, almost every year the banana frog will layover at my house. Not once but sometimes more than once a year. Its favourite places, especially the veranda, living room and sometimes between the sheets or clothes when I was folding them. And like before, and always, I will leave the place for one week or two weeks, or sometimes I will go to the place when I saw someone presence.  As always, I would be shocked, sometimes crying when it accidently jumped into my presence. Oh, by the way, not only me who is fright of the frog. All of Umi’s kids fear of the frog. Haha. Even my two younger brothers! J Because of it, one night, my mom told me and my brothers that she bought a toy frog for us to train to overcome our phobias. She asked me to touch it. I took it, touch it. But my youngest brother sprung into a rage. Oh come on! It was only a toy! My mom told me that it was because he was traumatised in school. I happened when he was about eleven or ten years old. His teacher informed my mom that my brother got into a rage and raised a chair when his friend brought a frog to him. The teachers were shocked because he was a school prefect and he was quite a cautious boy. But on that day he became a monster like me too!! LOL J
When I was in primary school, I have many best friends. When I told them, they kept teasing me after that! Perchance, there were so many frogs in the toilet at the hostel. But it was not the banana frog species. It was Banded Bullfrog, it scientific name is Kaloula Pulchra but the famous name we called it as ‘Katak Gemok’. We called it that name because it was really fat, right?  My friends were quite brave, sometimes they brought me a frog from the toilet. Yes, holding just by their bare hands. They also brought a frog to the class. Whether my class, or my room, or anywhere whenever they saw a frog. Would you guess what my reactions were? Of course! Run, scream like crazy, and beat them. But don’t worry, I always did repay them. LOL.  Of course I can repay because everybody have some weakness. I don’t know why they were not disturbed with the ugly frog. One of them even got the nerve to kiss the frog when we dared her.😱 They were really unpredicted, but still, they were my best friends. Even we kept on teasing each other, and after that we would laugh together and I really miss that moment.  #Frayern in my heart. (Miss you my friends)

Two weeks ago, when I want to hanging the clothes in the veranda. I was shocked because my cat suddenly run into something. It was a banana frog. I ran into the house and watched from a far. That time, I thanks my cat , Boolat by gave it one extra fish . I saw the banana frog silenced on the floor, when Boolat entered the house, leaving the silenced banana frog , it looped on the clothes that already on the rack hanger. Since that, until now, I don’t pick up the clothes on the rack hanger. Maybe my sister or my mom will take it .πŸ˜†
Some people will think that this is a funny post, but to me, this is my weakness and I  always find a way to treat  this Bufonophobia. Everytime I saw a frog in my house, I will search on google how to expel it ,how to prevent it and why they always layover in my house. Every time I asked or I told my mom, she will said ‘kiss the frog’ , ‘it’s a frog prince’. Hmm, that why I will marry a man who is had not fear to touch the frog. If  the man also fear of the frog, maybe I will think twice because I don’t want my kids also have a same Bufonophobia like me. LOLπŸ˜‚

P/s : Ehem. Promise me , that you will not teasing  me with a frog after you read this ! DON’T YOU DARE !πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚

Banana frog ( Scientific name  : Hylarana erythraea)

errrrr..... that's why we call them 'Katak Gomok'

i really had a goose bumps while searching for all this photos.πŸ˜“
